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CEO Update October 20, 2020

Surface Navy Museum and IOWA Family:

I am excited to see the tremendous progress that the team is making on the National Museum of the Surface Navy and the work aboard the Battleship IOWA. The pandemic continues to impact our guest revenues significantly, resulting in drastic expense reduction and a continued need for donor support. Thank you for continuing to assist us with your contributions during these challenging times.


Although we continue to operate in a resource restrained environment, the crew remains focused on the future. A few of the items the team is working on include virtual programming, process efficiencies, and the endless work of maintaining and operating a battleship.


The Digital Innovation team has been actively snapping footage to include in the upcoming virtual tour to be released in November. This online system will be an interactive virtual tour which allows guests throughout the world to explore the ship 24 hours per day.


The Development team has numerous items on its task list, but a few of the major highlights include our ramp-up of the National Museum of the Surface Navy fundraising activities. We have garnered numerous parties interested in supporting the capital campaign. We have and continue to present exhibit, gallery, and program sponsorship opportunities to potential donors. The Plank Owner program continues to grow with more than 1,000 supporters signed up to date! As we move into the end of 2020, we will be launching our annual campaign to support our programs into 2021. There will be more details in our upcoming newsletter.


Our volunteer crew is core to who we are and these selfless individuals continue to perform needed work daily. My deepest appreciation to every volunteer in all departments including accounting, administration, development, digital innovation, marketing, museum, operations, radio, security, tour, and training. You make it possible for us to remain relevant every day to visitors and supporters throughout the world.


One of our biggest challenges is finding ways to interact with supporters like yourself to learn about you and your connection to our organization. One of the thoughts is to have a live webcast on a regular basis to help answer questions, but also as a way to learn from each of us to help us grow. Let us know your thoughts on this idea.


We are deeply appreciative for the support each of you shows and we look forward to the exciting times ahead. Remember to become a Plank Owner of the National Museum of the Surface Navy and to include us in your contribution schedule.


Jonathan Williams
President and CEO
Battleship IOWA and Constitution