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Hull Preservation 2021 Campaign Week 8

Exciting News: ANOTHER $5,000 Match!

Last week we announced a $5,500 match opportunity – $5,000 from an anonymous Richmond crew member and $500 from “Volunteer Crew Member BZ1.” We’re thrilled to share that you got us there! We’ve won another match.

We’re constantly blown away by the generosity of our supporters and the devotion this ship inspires. This week another donor stepped in this week to offer another $5,000 match!

Jose Remon crewed aboard Battleship IOWA when he was younger. He still loves his ship and wants to see her preserved for future generations. In his words…

“As a young man, fresh out of high school, I walked with my orders in hand, down Norfolk’s pier where the USS Iowa was awaiting my arrival. What a sight she was the first day, and four years later on the last day, USS Iowa had changed my life – made me a sailor and a man.”

“I love seeing how our Battleship IOWA is coming back strong and am proud to have all of you at Pacific Battleship Center taking care of her, especially all the volunteers that truly care for our ship, not with words, but actions. Thank you!

“The hull project has tremendous importance: what is a ship without a hull?  I encourage everyone to pitch in. The amount is not as important as the participation. Imagine your son or daughter, grandchildren and great grandchildren walking onboard the USS Iowa and saying, ‘My dad, grandfather, or great grandfather served on board this incredible ship.’

“Yes, that is our USS Iowa BB-61 – an incredible ship!”

Has Jose’s story inspired you? Donate today or share this email with friends to get them fired up to help preserve Battleship IOWA’s hull!


Supporting Our Veterans

Preserving the hull isn’t just important to the life of the ship. It’s important to the ship’s continuing service, and Battleship IOWA’s service extends to many areas. One that is exceptionally close to our hearts is our veterans.

Battleship IOWA is fully committed to being a thriving community for veterans, a place that provides programs and resources that have impact, nourishes camaraderie, and supports the critical needs of our military and veterans. To that end we created Veterans West, our military and veterans affairs department.

Veterans West exists to foster honor, community, and prosperity. It is a hub of information and connection for veterans. Offerings include:


  • A continually-updated resources list offers a comprehensive directory of meetings, resources, education, employment, etc. for the benefit of veterans
  • A calendar of local events and happenings in which vets can get involved
  • A veterans’ concierge service that provides personalized guidance – would you like to take a veteran excursion to visit military and veteran monuments, memorials, and other landmarks? Need a ride to a county-wide veteran service or community partner location? Get in touch with Veterans West!

For more information about our programs for veterans, please click here or reach out to Janice Bowman at


Have You Voted Yet?

Did you hear? We applied for Councilman Buscaino’s Community Grants Program and our application made it to the Community Voting phase!

We’re competing with 160 other local non-profits for a slice of a $3 million funding pie. You can read our proposal here. Voting has been open since Monday and you can help us win!

Scroll down the voting page to find “San Pedro Fallen Veterans Memorial”

Be sure to use “90731” zip code when voting – you are a stakeholder!


Keep It Going!

You can help just as much by getting the word out there. Be an advocate for the ship – share your passion for her and get your friends excited about what she represents and the thriving community she supports.

You can include our eye-opening video to convey how pressing the need is. Here’s the link:

Or you can send people directly to the donation link here.

Checks can be sent to:

Pacific Battleship Center
250 South Harbor Blvd.
San Pedro, CA 90731
Attn: Hull Preservation Campaign

A million thanks for your support!