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Annual Appeal 2020: Give Today To Build Tomorrow

Dear Friends and Supporters,

We’re heading toward the finish line of one of the most challenging years any of us has known. By now you’re well aware that Battleship IOWA has faced daunting numbers – 75% of revenue lost as a result of a pandemic that has struck the very heart of our country and community. Your generosity has sustained us thus far, but we’re not out of the woods yet.

We press on because we know our mission and vision is worthy of your support.  Our transition to become the National Museum of the Surface Navy is more than awe-inspiring exhibits; it is about the men and women of the Surface Navy who are doing extraordinary things to keep us safe and protect human life here and across the seas.

Eventually our battle with this pandemic will end and we have a responsibility to leave a legacy for future generations. The National Museum of the Surface Navy will showcase the incredible accomplishments of the United States surface fleet, with the mind-boggling marvel of engineering that is Battleship IOWA as its premiere artifact.

Meet Admiral Howard


When you consider the rescue of Captain Phillips from Somali pirates as one of your less noteworthy accomplishments, you’re having a fantastic life.

We salute Admiral Michelle Howard (Retired). She was the first woman who graduated from Annapolis and reached the rank of flag officer, the first African-American woman to command a US Navy ship, the first African-American woman to command a US Navy Battle Group, the first African-American woman in any of the armed services to reach two and then three stars, and the first four-star female Admiral in the Navy. She ended her career as the first African-American and the first female Vice Chief of Naval Operations, the second highest rank in the US Navy. In anyone’s book she’s tremendously inspiring.

Throughout this year’s annual appeal, we’ll be sharing some outstanding stories about the people who created the impressive history of the United States Surface Navy.


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What Can You Do Now?

You can help in a few ways:

  • Become a Plank Owner of the National Museum of the Surface Navy.
  • Contribute with a donation of any amount. Even $10 will help!
  • Raise your involvement and become a sponsor.

Sponsorship comes with perks.  We’ll be rolling out those perks in the weeks ahead, so open your Plank Owner account today!

What Is A “Plank Owner?”

A plank owner, according to the Naval History and Heritage Command is, “an individual who was a member of the crew of a ship when that ship was placed in commission.” In our case a plank owner is someone who was there from the beginning – a supporter who helped us get off the ground and will have a place in institutional memory as we build the National Museum of the Surface Navy. Becoming a Plank Owner is your chance to write your name in our history books for future generations. Thank You!

Battleship IOWA and Constitution

You can also mail your check made payable to Pacific Battleship Center at 250 S. Harbor Blvd., San Pedro, CA 90731, Attn: Development.

Donate to Battleship IOWA Museum

Donate to National Museum of the Surface Navy