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CEO Weekly Update for 10/28/19

Greetings Team:

It has slowed down a bit over the past week.  Looking at the numbers year over year, attendance was flat last week and revenue was up 15% for ticket sales online and at the POS.  Continuing to see revenue up affirms our long-term plan of rolling out guided tour add-on options as identified in our master plan.

Our Executive Committee met last week and discussed numerous items including our National Museum fundraising efforts.  The IT team is currently working on our future plankowner program and the Capital Campaign Committee will have their first call on November 7th.  We continue our work on a potential logo revision for the National Museum.  Stay tuned for future updates include opportunities to participate.

Last week, the development team launched the sponsor a child campaign.  We received quite a bit of support for this campaign and I look forward to the e-blast update with the number of children sponsored last week.  Great work to the development team for their work on this campaign!  Thank you to President’s Advisory Board members Kip and Bruce for the idea!

We received two major education grants last week from ongoing major supporters.  Joleen is working with their teams for the upcoming public announcements.  Both of them continue to be great supporters and we are truly appreciative of the support!

This coming week, we will be discussing the 2020 plan at the Staff Lunch Meeting on Tuesday.  This will give the team direction on what we will be working on next year.  I will request each department head to schedule a meeting to go over these items with the team and we plan to discuss in the upcoming webinar on November 13th.

A quick reminder to attend one of our communities Veterans Day LA events on November 11th.  This is our opportunity to show appreciation to all veterans and our appreciation for their service.  This year, we are hosting a film festival on board on Veterans Day and we are also a partner with Supervisor Janice Hahn and LA County Department of Military and Veterans Affairs for Veterans Day LA at LA Memorial Coliseum.  We hope you will join us at one of these great events!

Thank you for your commitment and service!  Have a safe and amazing week!

Jonathan Williams
President & CEO