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CIO David Canfield: Your Story Is Bigger Than Your Trauma

On April 19, 1989 at 9:55 AM local time, the center gun on USS Iowa‘s Turret II suffered an open breech explosion (technically a deflagration). 47 sailors working within the turret perished.

Vice President and Chief Information Officer David Canfield was a nineteen-year-old 3rd class engineman serving aboard Iowa that day. In this episode we talk about his experiences then, his ongoing healing process, and how he has learned that both his story and Iowa‘s reach far beyond one horrible day.

For more information on the Turret II tragedy, please refer to the following videos:

  • We Remember Turret II – a video that debunks several of the persistent false rumors about the tragedy
  • Turret II Lecture – an in-depth look at the technical investigations into the incident