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Hull Preservation 2021 Campaign Week 5

Down Low

We mean that literally. Battleship IOWA COO and Chief Engineer Mike Getscher got down to the nitty gritty – up close with the wind and water line to show you exactly what’s happening there, and why it’s so critical that we arrest the corrosion NOW before it’s too late.

Click on the photo below for an eye-opening, in-depth glimpse of the ship’s hull.




Where We Are…

Our goal for the Hull Preservation campaign is to raise $200,000 by May 26, 2021. To date, we’ve only reached 10% of our goal! We have a long way to go to prevent long-term corrosion and the ship from sinking, and ensure our visitors, students, veterans, families, and seniors have a place to visit, volunteer, connect and learn!

In our last email we mentioned some opportunities to have your donation doubled.

We have a $15,000 match currently running.  Here’s how it works:

  • The $10,000 match began on April 9th. Starting on that date, once we raise $10,000 the anonymous donor will match it.
  • The $5,000 match began on April 14th. Starting on that date, once we raise $5,000 the anonymous Richmond Crew donor will match it.

The bottom line is, we have two matches running and need to raise $15,000 to receive both matches.

You can help us get there! We know many of you have donated significantly over the years, and especially last year throughout the pandemic. We are immeasurably grateful because we wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t, but we are still in pandemic recovery mode. Our financial needs are substantial which is why we keep asking. We wish we didn’t have to.



We know you love this ship and her community. Let your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers know and tell them why! Just take a few minutes and answer this question, What makes Battleship IOWA special to YOU? Then use your voice and share your passion on social media, by email, or letter!

You can include today’s video (link to share is

Or you can send people directly to the donation link here.

Checks can be sent to:

Pacific Battleship Center
250 South Harbor Blvd.
San Pedro, CA 90731
Attn: Hull Preservation Campaign

A million thanks for your support!


Battleship IOWA plimsole line and bow


There are so many reasons to preserve this ship. Need one to share with your friends and family? How about this review we received on April 17, 2021:

“We got the presidential tour last minute upon arrival, around 11:30 am. It was such an amazing tour. Our guide was amazing. Every single volunteer/employee was welcoming, friendly, thankful for us being there. The self guided tour is breathtaking. We took my dad who is a Vietnam Navy Veteran, and hadn’t been on a ship in 45 years. It was a humbling experience. I am a veteran myself, and I think things like this are important for young people to see and help them understand the sacrifice that is made by so many men and women every day serving their country and giving up so much for our freedom.

“Thank you so much. An amazing experience.

“We will definitely be back again.”