The Cold War

The Cold War:

During the ambiguity of the Cold War, the USS IOWA practiced various training exercises and drills before heading to sea to monitor the United States’ southern coastline in case of an attack.

Sep 01

In tow from Philadelphia to New Orleans

In tow from Philadelphia to New Orleans

In tow from Philadelphia to New Orleans and Avondale shipyard, Inc., for modernization and reactivation. Subsequently towed to Ingalls shipbuilding, Pascagoula, Mississippi for completion of work.

Apr 01

Captain Gerald E. Gneckow, USN Becomes Commanding Officer

Apr 28



Recommissioned ahead of schedule and within budget.

Apr 30

NGFS Training

NGFS Training

Underway to Autec Range for Naval Gunfire Support (NGFS) training.

May 01

Refresher Training

In May, two weeks refresher training at Guantanamo Bay.

May 21

NGFS Qualifications

Off Vieques island, Puerto Rico, for NGFS qualifications for IOWA’s 16-inch and 5-inch batteries.

Jun 19

Underway for Caracas

Underway for Caracas

Underway for Caracas, Venezuela conducting a number of systems checks and gunnery exercises en route. USS IOWA also made stops at ports en route in support of “Naval Presence” operations designed to back-up friendly states in Central America and Caribbean.

Jul 01

Gunnery Exercises

Gunnery Exercises

In July, off Vieques Island for gunnery exercises.

Aug 08

Back Through the Panama Canal

Back Through the Panama Canal

Underway to begin pacific Coast operations.

Aug 12

UH-1 Helicopters Used

Two US Army UH-1 helicopters from USS IOWA were used when medical and dental assistance was needed in Guatemala.

Aug 13

SAR communications drill

Aug 14

Surveillance in Nicaragua

Engaged in surveillance of thirteen miles of Nicaraguan coast in conjunction with embassy contingency communication exercises.

Aug 26

Back Through the Canal

Nicaraguan surveillance completed and USS IOWA returned to Balboa, Panama for trip back through canal.

Sep 17

Arrived in Norfolk

Oct 01

Week long visit to New York

Nov 01



Participated in COMPUTEX 1-85 in Puerto Rican Operations area from November 1 – 20.

Dec 25

In port Norfolk

Jan 01

Sea Trials

Month of January

Feb 01

Deployment in Central America

Deployment in Central America

In the month of February, USS Iowa was underway for deployment in Central America. Completed several civic action and humanitarian projects in Costa Rica and Honduras. Participated in encounter exercises with Battleship Surface Action Group.

Mar 01

Battle Force Integrated Training

Battle Force Integrated Training

In the month of March, she was engaged in Battle Force integrated training and post-shakedown availability training operating out of Norfolk. Off loaded ammunition at Yorktown’s Naval Weapons Station.

Apr 26



Into drydock at Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth, Va.

Jul 31

Out of Drydock

Out of Drydock

Out of drydock to load gun ammunition while at Whiskey Island Anchorage in Hampton Roads. This was followed by a demonstration of her Tomahawk Handling system, and then ten days of sea trials and ammunition unload at Yorktown.

Aug 22

Battenburg Cup Award

Received Battenburg Cup Award as best all-around ship in Atlantic Fleet for 1984.

Aug 27

Battleship Surface Action Group

Battleship Surface Action Group

Underway for Ocean Safari as part of Battleship Surface Action Group providing protection for convoy of supply ships en route from Boston to Northern Europe.

Sep 20

Operation Ocean Safari Completed

Operation Ocean Safari Completed

Operation Ocean Safari completed following rendezvous with USS America Battle Group, USS IOWA went on through English Channel to Le Havre, France, then Copenhagen & Aarhus, Denmark and Oslo, Norway.

Oct 12

BALTOPS 85 Begins

Underway for Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) 85 in Baltic Sea. Part of US Task Unit conducting multilateral exercises with allied vessels in Baltic area.

Oct 18

BALTOPS 85 Concludes

BALTOPS 85 concluded with USS IOWA in port at Kiel, West Germany.

Oct 26

Heading for Norfolk

Heading for Norfolk

Underway for Norfolk, conducting numerous drills/exercises en route.

Nov 05

Preparing for INSURV/UMI

In Norfolk for preparations for INSURV/UMI and final contract trials. In Central America as peaceful presence in support of friendly countries.

Feb 24

Heading for Central America

Heading for Central America

Navy photographers and cameramen film the Iowa (BB-61) from Contractor’s Ridge as the ship passes through the Gaillard Cut during a 12-hour transit of the canal, 24 February 1986.

Mar 01

Central America in March

Central America in March

Continued presence in Central American waters.

Jul 01

Captain Larry Seaquist, USN Becomes Commanding Officer

Captain Larry Seaquist, USN Becomes Commanding Officer
Jul 04

Ronald Reagan Aboard

Ronald Reagan Aboard

Carried President Ronald Reagan for Liberty Weekend’s International Naval Review in Hudson River.

Aug 01

Operational and Training Exercises

Operational and Training Exercises

During the month of August, she was underway along Florida coast and in Gulf of Mexico conducting operational and training exercises.

Aug 17

Underway for the North Atlantic

Underway for the North Atlantic

Underway for North Atlantic and (NATO) Operation Northern Wedding.

Sep 01

Operation Northern Wedding

Operation Northern Wedding

In the month of September, participated in Operation Northern Wedding off southern coast of Norway, Following operations at sea, USS IOWA visited Portsmouth, England and Bremerhaven, West Germany.

Oct 02

Returning to the US

Returning to the US

Underway for return trip to United States.

Dec 09

Pioneer RPV Launch & Recovery

Pioneer RPV Launch & Recovery

Underway for sea trials off Virginia Capes. First launch, flight and recovery of a Pioneer RPV were made.

Dec 14

Fired 1000th round of 16-inch ammunition

Fired 1000th round of 16-inch ammunition

USS IOWA fired 1,000th round of 16-inch ammunition since being recommissioned in 1984.

A view of the breach end of the center Mark 7 16-inch/50-caliber gun inside the No. 2 turret aboard the battleship Iowa (BB-61) on 14 December 1986. Loaded in the gun is what will be the 1,000th round fired by the Iowa’s 16-inch guns since the ship’s recommissioning.

Jan 09

Departed Norfolk

Departed Norfolk en route to Caribbean.

Jan 10


Participated in exercise BLASTEX 1-87 in Caribbean.

Jan 18


Operations in Caribbean with port visits in Honduras, Columbia and Virgin Islands.

Feb 11

Arrived in Guantanamo Bay

Arrived in Guantanamo Bay

Arrived Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for ORI (Operational Readiness Inspection).

Feb 13

Departed Guantanamo Bay

Departed Guantanamo Bay for gunnery exercises at Vieques Island, Puerto Rico.

Feb 26

Arrived Norfolk

Apr 25

Departed Norfolk en route to Caribbean

May 04

Conducted SACEX in Puerto Rican operations area

Jul 08

Participated in FLEETEX 3-87 in Western Atlantic

Participated in FLEETEX 3-87 in Western Atlantic
Jul 26

Loading Ammunition

Arrive Yorktown Naval Weapons Center for loading ammunition.

Jul 28

Arrive Norfolk. In Service restricted availability (SRA).

Sep 10

Departed Norfolk en route to Mediterranean

Sep 22

Participated in Exercise Display Determination

Participated in Exercise Display Determination
Oct 08

Port Visit in Istanbul

Port Visit in Istanbul
Oct 26

Began North Sea operations

Oct 30

Arrived Trondheim, Norway

Nov 25

Transited Suez Canal

Dec 04

Arrival in Diego Garcia

Arrived Diego Garcia to commence Persian Gulf Presence Operations.

Dec 07

Departed Diego Garcia

Depart Diego Garcia for operations in the Indian Ocean and North Arabian Sea.

Jan 01

In Gulf of Oman

In Gulf of Oman. Operations included escorting convoys through the southern Strait of Hormuz and protecting convoy assembly areas off Masirah Island and Muscat, Oman.

Feb 20

Transited Suez Canal

Transited Suez Canal
Mar 10

Arrival in Norfolk

Apr 20

Going to Fleet Week

Departed Norfolk en route to New York City to celebrate “Fleet Week” 21-25 of April.

Apr 25

En Route to Yorktown

En route to Yorktown Naval Weapons Station for off load of ammunition, prior-to entering Norfolk Naval shipyard for SRA (25 April-23 August)

May 01

Captain Fred P. Moosally, USN Becomes Commanding Officer

Captain Fred P. Moosally, USN Becomes Commanding Officer
Aug 24

Sea Trials, Virginia Capes Operating Area

Oct 07

Port Visit in Florida

Port Visit in Florida

En route to Port Everglades, Florida for port visit (9-11 October).

Oct 13

Arrived Guantanamo Bay

Arrived Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for Refresher Training

Nov 28

Gunnery exercises at Vieques Island.

Gunnery exercises at Vieques Island.
Dec 07

Arrive Norfolk

Jan 20

En Route to St. Martin

En route St. Martin, operating with units of the standing Naval Forces, Atlantic.

Jan 26

Fired the Longest 16-inch Round

USS IOWA fired the longest 16-inch round in history at Vieques Island. The projectile traveled 23.4 NM for a first round hit on target.

Feb 01

En Route to New Orleans

En route to New Orleans for port visit (5-9 February).

Mar 16

Arrive Norfolk

Apr 19

Turret Two Explosion

Turret Two Explosion

Explosion within Turret Two kills 47 crewmen off the coast of Puerto Rico.

Apr 22

Return to Norfolk

Return to Norfolk
May 30

May 30 until June 2

Ammunition loaded at Whisky Island Anchorage.

Jun 07

Northern Europe

Underway for Northern Europe and Mediterranean. During this deployment, USS IOWA traveled 30,983 NM and crossed eight time zones. Port visits included: Kiel, West Germany; Portsmouth, England: Rota, Spain; Casablanca, Morocco; Gibraltar; Marseille, France; Antalya, Turkey; Gaeta, Italy; Istanbul, Turkey; Haifa, Israel; Alexandria, Egypt; Ajaccio, Corsica; Augusta Bay, Sicily; Naples, Italy and Palma, Mallorca.

Jul 24

July 24 until August 1

July 24 until August 1

Restricted availability, Marseille, France. Cut short one week due to contingency operations in the Mediterranean, off the Lebanese coast.

Nov 26

En Route Norfolk

During this transit, last 16-inch round fired, giving USS IOWA a total of 2,873 rounds fired since 1984 recommissioning. Since USS IOWA’s initial commissioning date in 1943, a total of 11,834 16-inch rounds fired.