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Operation American Spirit: A Salute to the Ladies of Battleship IOWA

Meet Battleship IOWA’s other big guns!

You see Jonathan Williams, Mike Getscher, David Canfield, Dave Way, and other members of our outstanding team in front of cameras frequently, but there are others who rarely if ever make appearances.

Bet you didn’t know that half our staff is women! This week, we coaxed a bunch of the ladies into introducing themselves and as you’ll see, they had fun with the assignment.


Shout outs to our missing staff members, who for logistical reasons (or camera shyness) were unable to participate in this video: Tanya Canfield (donor fulfillment), Tiffany Ellerbeck (education), and Catherine Moreno (booking coordinator).


Support and share 

As our gals showed, we’re doing what we can to keep our spirits up in the midst of the trying times we’re facing – after all, laughter is the best medicine.

We made a lot of progress toward our fundraising goal since our last email (thank you!), but we still need you to SHARE our GoFundMe campaign. By sharing, you’re telling the world that this ship and her crew (past and present) are worth supporting!  Just click the link to Operation American Spirit below.


Operation American Spirit