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Battleship USS Iowa Museum membership programs have transitioned to the National Museum of the Surface Navy at Battleship IOWA Plank Owner program.  This new innovative program provides you opportunities to be more engaged with our future and keeps you up to date on the daily happenings at the Los Angeles museum.  We continue to add features to the Plank Owner program for members of all backgrounds to participate.  Coming in late summer 2021, we will launch the Haze Gray Loyalty Program and you will be able to receive numerous benefits similar to our previous membership programs.  In fact, the benefits will be even greater!

Existing Member Note:  If you are a current Battleship IOWA Museum member, your membership is active through the expiration date and you will always be considered an early supporter of Battleship IOWA programs! 

Have an existing Battleship USS Iowa Membership?

Thank you for your continued support of the Battleship USS Iowa.  We are no longer renewing Battleship IOWA memberships as we will transition over to the Haze Gray Loyalty Program (of the National Museum of the Surface Navy at Battleship IOWA Plank Owner system) in late summer 2021.

If you are an existing Battleship USS Iowa member, your membership is active until the launch of the Haze Gray Loyalty Program and will be “transferred over” with the same level of entitlements.

If you are an existing Lifetime Member, you are “grandfathered” in to the new program and will be acknowledged as such and receive all entitlements associated with your lifetime membership.

With the Haze Gray Loyalty Program, each donation you make accrues points that can be redeemed for merchandise, tickets, events, and other benefits.  These points don’t expire and depending on the amount of your annual contribution, may accrue at a quicker pace. The easiest comparison we can draw is a “frequent flier” or “credit card points” program.

You can make a donation at our website to start accruing your entitlements now.  Or you can mail a check to the address below or contact our Development Team for more information.  Thank you for your support and patience as we make this transition!


Pacific Battleship Center
Attn: Plank Owner Program
250 S. Harbor Blvd.
San Pedro, CA 90731

Phone:  877-446-9261 ext. 747


Pacific Battleship Center is a public charity organized under IRS code 501(c)3, and participates in employer matching programs. Pacific Battleship Center’s IRS registration number for tax-deductible purposes is 26-3934742.