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Week of 04/27/20 Update

IOWA Family:

I hope this note finds you and your family safe and well. As always, thank you for your support during these challenging times.

There is no doubt that the tourism and museum industries are tremendously affected due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As a non-profit museum, our largest revenue source is generated from tour admissions followed by donations, overnights and events. The majority of this revenue ceased to exist on March 13, 2020 and has temporarily changed our plans for operations in 2020. We continue to follow the trends throughout the world on reopening of the economy and potential adjustments to our business.

As an outdoor venue and a visible symbol of freedom, we are uniquely positioned to meet or exceed physical distancing and access requirements outlined for the reopening and operations of recreational parks and beaches. When we do reopen, we will most likely experience reduced capacity programs and the elimination of programs and areas that are unable to comply with physical distancing and safe operation. Until a treatment or vaccine becomes available, we will more likely than not have significantly reduced revenues which will require the creative management of expenses.

The team that is assembling and executing on these plans takes the future of your museum seriously. We are leaving no stone unturned and remain focused on ensuring the long-term sustainability of the organization. We continue our work to transition to the National Museum of the Surface Navy, while focusing on maintaining the core foundational asset of the Battleship IOWA. We truly appreciate your support in the efforts!

I am tremendously proud and humbled by the selfless work that our crew continues to perform during this crisis to ensure the future of your organization and museum. I am amazed by how quickly the team has pivoted into the new norm with virtual programming, social distanced maintenance, and focused on plans for the future. Bravo Zulu to each of them for their dedication and work!

I want to assure you that all hands and minds are on deck in ensuring that the future of the Battleship IOWA Museum and National Museum of the Surface Navy continue into the future.

Please stay safe and thank you for all that you do to support our crew and organization!

-Jonathan Williams, President & CEO

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