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Update – May 18th, 2020

IOWA Family:

We continue our efforts to reinvent the way our organization operates to adjust to the Covid-19 pandemic. There is no doubt that tourism oriented businesses such as museums, attractions, hotels, and airlines will continue to have significant challenges over the next few years. We believe with your support and being nimble, efficient, and innovative will help us through these trying times.

We are keeping our finger on the pulse and remain in contact with our elected leaders to determine when we will be able to reopen as an outdoor only venue such as a garden or park. We feel strongly that we have a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of offering a safe outdoor experience to guests, while showing the world that the Battleship IOWA continues to project American ideals.

I am proud to see the efforts that our crew is performing in all departments. Within days of shutting down, the crew transitioned into the new normal to ensure the ship is taken care of while planning for our future. Strong supporters like you have come to our aid and our crew adapted to ensure we continue maintaining and securing the ship, while offering virtual programs in our core pillars of education, veterans, and community.

Our finance and accounting team has performed a tremendous amount of work to file for business interruption insurance and a variety of pandemic relief options ranging from loans to rent relief. We have reduced costs, furloughed / laid off frontline public facing staff, and tightly managing accounts payable. As we plan for the next 6 to 12 months, based upon current available information, I believe we will experience reduced revenue and possibly additional closure(s). We expect that this will affect our overall staffing and expense plans for the foreseeable future, until a vaccine or suitable treatment comes along. These measures coupled with your ongoing support will help us weather this once-in-a-lifetime storm.

This short-term pandemic may temporarily delay our National Museum of the Surface Navy Capital Campaign, but it will not stop this transition. In the coming weeks, our Education Team will be introducing a new National Museum of the Surface Navy webcast series. This will be our first programming with a focus on the National Museum. Numerous members of our board(s) continue their efforts to push our transition forward despite the changing environment in capital campaigns. With your generous support, we will continue to persevere as we have before.

Thank you for supporting us and thank you for always being there to cheer each other on. This pandemic may slow us down temporarily, but we will continue to innovate to win in the long-term. I have confidence in our crew, our supporters, and our country to continue to persevere for a better America!’

Kind Regards,

Jonathan Williams
President & CEO
Battleship IOWA Museum / National Museum of the Surface Navy
250 S. Harbor Blvd., San Pedro, CA 90731
Office/Fax: 877-446-9261 ext. 709