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CEO Update 4 January 2022

Honor A Loved One’s Legacy | National Museum Of The Surface Navy


Protect the stories of our forgotten sailors who fought for Freedom of the Seas. Commemorate your loved one by signing up as a Plank Owner of the National Museum of the Surface Navy. Learn more by clicking the button below.

Update from CEO Jonathan Williams



As we begin 2022, we are excited about what this year holds, but continue to be hampered by the Covid pandemic. We constantly monitor the effects of the recent Covid-19 variant and how they may impact our programs and services.

During our weekly Marketing & Development meeting yesterday, the team discussed our recent accomplishments, upcoming objectives, and reviewed the holiday visitation period. There is no doubt that Covid continues to have an impact: our attendance is down approximately 30% from our 2019 numbers.

Thankfully you and your fellow supporters and crew continue to contribute to our organization to ensure that we grow and make a greater impact. That said, thank you to everyone who participated in our annual campaign. We raised about $100,000 to close out 2021; your donation makes a difference.

Late this week, we plan to travel to the annual Surface Navy Association conference in Washington D.C. While in D.C., we will visit with several donors and supporters of the Battleship IOWA and National Museum of the Surface Navy. We will take this opportunity to brief them on our progress, future goals, and ways they may be able to assist with this incredible endeavor. We all have a lot to be proud of, especially with our official congressional designation as National Museum of the Surface Navy – an effort spearheaded by our local Congresswoman Nanette Barragan.

How can you help? Advocate for the National Museum of the Surface Navy effort by becoming a Plank Owner, spreading the word with your friends and family, considering a major gift now or in the future, or simply voicing your interest by emailing our Development team at Your support makes it possible for us to build the first and only museum that tells the story of sailors who have served aboard U.S. Navy ships since its founding in 1775. We invite you to join us on this journey.

As we build the new National Museum of the Surface Navy aboard the Battleship IOWA, we continue to focus on growing our impactful programs in education, veterans, and community. Our Veterans team has recently begun a couple of in-person and virtual sessions, including a weekly gathering for friends of Bill W. and Sharing Experiences from the Shadows of Military Life. 

Over the weekend, Military and Veterans Affairs Manager Janice Bowman was the LA Kings’ “Hero of the Game” and was joined by IOWA VPAN Squad Leader Chris and Battle Buddy Audrey. In January, we will welcome our first transitioning Skillbridge intern with our organization and are excited to get this program launched. Over the past couple of months, the Veterans team has come together under the leadership of David Canfield to make a greater impact and reach. I am proud to see the work they are accomplishing and hope you will join me in giving them kudos.

Tomorrow, I will be joining our Education Manager Tiffany Ellerbeck for a visit to a skills-based education program, to explore the inclusion of a similar program on IOWA. The ship relies on trades to be maintained and accessible. We see it as an authentic inspirational platform for students of all ages. These programs will be in addition to our current STEAM at Sea and Day of Discovery offerings. Thank you to each of the donors and sponsors who make it possible for us to provide several of these programs at no-cost to disadvantaged students.

With all of this said, I am enthusiastic about what the future holds and the incredible work that our crew continues to do. Small but mighty, this crew comes together to accomplish impactful transformational programs and events.

Get ready for an amazing 2022. We hope you will join us on this journey. There are exciting times to come. Stay tuned as we begin the work on the museum demolition and build.

Happy New Year!

Jonathan Williams
President & CEO

NOTE: If you prefer not to donate electronically, please mail your check to:
Attention: Development Department, 250 S. Harbor Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90731