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CEO Update: November 8, 2023

November 8, 2023


I hope this email finds you well as we dive into November! The museum has been bustling with activity over the past few weeks, making it one of our busiest months on record for event rentals. Each department has played a significant role in the success of various events this month, and it’s thrilling to witness the progress we’re achieving in this area.

In 2023, we experienced double-digit growth in many of our programs. This growth, combined with our commitment to the National Museum of the Surface Navy, has prompted us to explore the next steps to support and maximize the impact of our core pillars and programs.

Several initiatives are currently underway, including: 

  • Branding and Messaging: We’re working on branding and messaging to support the campaign for the Freedom of the Seas, aimed at building the National Museum of the Surface Navy. You can view the exciting sizzle reel here (or click the photo below).
  • Job Openings: We have job openings within our team, including positions for our VPAN Program Manager, Major Gifts Officer, and a part-time executive assistant. If you’re interested, click here to view the opportunities.
  • Marketing Firm: We’re in the final stages of defining a scope of work to engage a marketing firm, which will help advance our efforts in three primary categories: earned revenue, annual support, and capital campaign support.
  • Ten-Year Strategic Planning: We’ve initiated a ten-year strategic planning effort that will provide guidance and goals for our team over the next several years.
  • Port of Los Angeles Negotiations: We’re currently negotiating a term sheet with the Port of Los Angeles to support our long-term growth efforts.
  • IOWA Relocation: We continue to make progress in potentially relocating the IOWA to the new West Harbor development.
  • Deck Replacement: We are preparing to seek major funding for a long-term deck replacement. A special shout-out to ship’s carpenter, volunteer Stan Sato, as we are eagerly anticipating his return.
  • Prospectus Draft: We’ve recently received a draft of our prospectus and are in the initial stages of preparing comments.

We’ve launched the next phase of the National Museum of the Surface Navy design, with a particular focus on visitor flow and the impact of the narrative. The creative ideas emerging from this process are truly remarkable, and we can’t wait to see them come to life. The exhibits will seamlessly blend the past with the future, creating an inspiring experience within an immersive environment.

I’d like to express our gratitude to those who participated in our surveys and feedback sessions. Our board of directors recently approved our new mission and vision statements:


  • Mission: We ignite curiosity, connect communities, and enhance understanding of America’s role in maritime peace and prosperity.
  • Vision: To inspire global awareness of freedom of the seas.

In closing, let’s keep our friends and family who are facing challenges in our thoughts and prayers. Our fellow crew member, Jim Gauderman, has recently encountered some health issues, and we are all praying for his swift recovery.

Thank you all for your support, and I wish you a wonderful week ahead!

Jonathan Williams
President & CEO

P.S. The end of the year is fast approaching. We appreciate your consideration of making a tax-deductible donation to our mission.

Battleship USS Iowa and USNS Mercy

Veterans Day is always special at Battleship IOWA and this year is no different. Please join us for events on and around the ship this Saturday, November 11.

Several events are planned this year:

  • 12:00 PM: A flag retirement ceremony (FREE)
  • All day: A beer garden, bounce houses, and more on the ship and on the pier (FREE)
  • Sunset (just before 5:00 PM): Evening colors led by two Battleship IOWA veterans (FREE)
  • 5:00 PM: Steel Beach Cigar Social (ticketed event)

For tickets and more information on the Cigar Social, please click the photo below.

Battleship USS Iowa and USNS Mercy
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NOTE: If you prefer not to donate electronically, please mail your check to:
Attention: Development Department, 250 S. Harbor Blvd., San Pedro, CA 90731

Thank you to our 2022 donors for their generosity and support. Want to know how your donations are making a difference? Check out our ANNUAL REPORT here.

Click below to learn more and join.

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