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National Museum of the Surface Navy Update

IOWA Family:

As you may know, we received some exciting news about National Museum of the Surface Navy on Tuesday. Supervisor Hahn’s office shared the press release that went out following the board meeting where our leadership team and community partners spoke in support of the bill.



October 13

Contact: Liz Odendahl, Supervisor’s Communications Director
O: (213) 974-4444, C: (213) 379-6301,

LA County Board of Supervisors Supports Bill to Formalize National Museum on Board the USS Iowa

San Pedro, CA—Today, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted to back a congressional bill that would establish the USS Iowa in San Pedro as the National Museum of the Surface Navy.  The bill, introduced by Senator Dianne Feinstein and Congresswoman Nannette Barragan, would make the USS Iowa the first Surface Navy museum in the country.

“The USS Iowa is not only a proud piece of Navy history itself, its second life as a floating museum has taught millions of visitors about the importance of the US Navy and the bravery and sacrifice of the men and women who have served,” said Supervisor Janice Hahn. “It is only fitting that our USS Iowa be the site of this new National Museum – dedicated to not only the ship’s incredible history, but the entire Surface Navy.”

Supervisor Janice Hahn, who authored the motion to back the bill, was critical in bringing the ship to San Pedro in 2011. As a Los Angeles City Councilwoman, she put forward the proposal to the Council to bring the USS Iowa to the Port of Los Angeles in 2010 and continued to champion the effort after being elected to Congress.

The motion, which passed unanimously, directs the County’s Washington advocates to send letters of support for S 4683 and HR 8369 to Senator Dianne Feinstein and Congresswoman Nanette Barragan.

We are immensely grateful for the support our elected officials continue to demonstrate, both for our historic battleship and our goal of growing into a national-level museum. With their help and yours we can create an incredible tribute to the men, women, and ships of a fleet that has protected and served our nation since 1775.

Surface Navy Museum Certificate

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