“…from all I have seen and all I have heard, the IOWA is a ‘happy ship,’ and having served with the Navy for many years, I know–and you know– what that means…”
– President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s remarks on leaving the USS IOWA on 16 December, 1943.
Today, the USS IOWA is in the custody of the Pacific Battleship Center, an award-winning 501(c)3 non-profit founded in 2008 to ignite curiosity, connect communities, and enhance understanding of America’s role in maritime peace and prosperity. Pacific Battleship Center’s family of brands include Battleship IOWA, National Museum of the Surface Navy, Freedom of the Seas, LA Fleet Week, Camp Battleship, Veteran’s West, and Vicky’s Doghouse Cafe.
Members of our boards and our leadership are committed to inspiring global awareness of freedom of the seas. They continue to guide the organization to new heights and milestones on its journey to raise global awareness of freedom of the seas.
National Leadership Council
Amb. Terry Branstad
- National Campaign Chair
- Former Governor, State of Iowa
- Former Ambassador to China (2017-2020)
Sen. Chuck Grassley
Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragán
Gov. Kim Reynolds
Amb. Robert C. O’Brien
Janice Hahn
L.A. County Supervisor
Tim McOsker
Councilmember L.A. CD15
ADM Vernon Clark
USN (Ret.)
ADM Philip Davidson
USN (Ret.)
ADM John C. Harvey, Jr.
USN (Ret.)
ADM James R. Hogg
USN (Ret.)
ADM Michelle Howard
USN (Ret.)
ADM Samuel J. Locklear
USN (Ret.)
ADM Henry H. Mauz, Jr.
USN (Ret.)
ADM Robert J. Natter
USN (Ret.)
ADM J. Paul Reason
USN (Ret.)
ADM James G. Stavridis
USN (Ret.)
ADM Henry Ulrich III
USN (Ret)
VADM Richard Hunt
USN (Ret.)
CAPT Tom Kelley
USN (Ret.), Medal of Honor
H. Delano Roosevelt
National Leadership Council
Sen. Chuck Grassley
Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragán
Gov. Kim Reynolds
Amb. Robert C. O’Brien
Janice Hahn
L.A. County Supervisor
Amb. Terry Branstad
- National Campaign Chair
- Former Governor, State of Iowa
- Former Ambassador to China (2017-2020)
Tim McOsker
Councilmember L.A. CD15
ADM Vernon Clark
USN (Ret.)
ADM Philip Davidson
USN (Ret.)
ADM John C. Harvey, Jr.
USN (Ret.)
ADM James R. Hogg
USN (Ret.)
ADM Michelle Howard
USN (Ret.)
ADM Samuel J. Locklear
USN (Ret.)
ADM Henry H. Mauz, Jr.
USN (Ret.)
ADM Robert J. Natter
USN (Ret.)
ADM J. Paul Reason
USN (Ret.)
ADM James G. Stavridis
USN (Ret.)
ADM Henry Ulrich III
USN (Ret)
VADM Richard Hunt
USN (Ret.)
CAPT Tom Kelley
USN (Ret.), Medal of Honor
H. Delano Roosevelt
Chairman’s Flag Council
VADM Thomas Rowden
USN (Ret.)
Kelcey Brown
MidAmerican Energy
RDML Sandra Adams
USN (Ret.)
RADM Scott Jerabek
USN (Ret.)
Robert Nowakowski
RADM Jesse A. Wilson, Jr.
USN (Ret.)
RADM Nevin Carr Jr.
USN (Ret.)
RDML Charles Brown
USN (Ret.)
Tanya Acker
Attorney, Actress, and Media
Dan Kehl
Elite Casinos
Bruce DD Mac Rae
Bruce DD Consulting
Rebecca Beach
Mike Kiely
Ross O’Brien
Treasurer & CFO; CPA
LCDR Ken Hagihara
USN (Ret.); Integrity Public Relations
RADM James Kirk
USN (Ret.)
E. Scott Palmer
Palmer, Hunter & Hall
Douglas Herman
The Strategy Group
Jonathan Williams
President & CEO
Vanessa Lewis
CPA; Reporting Consultant
Craig Johnson
Crail-Johnson Foundation
Jeff Link
Link Strategies
Board of Directors
Tanya Acker
Attorney, Actress, and Media
Rebecca Beach
LCDR Ken Hagihara
USN (Ret.); Integrity Public Relations
Douglas Herman
The Strategy Group
Craig Johnson
Crail-Johnson Foundation
Dan Kehl
Elite Casinos
Mike Kiely
RADM James Kirk
USN (Ret.)
Vanessa Lewis
CPA; Reporting Consultant
Jeff Link
Link Strategies
RADM Mike Shatynski,
USN (Ret.)
- Chairman of the Board
Bruce DD Mac Rae
Bruce DD Consulting
Ross O’Brien
Treasurer & CFO; CPA
E. Scott Palmer
Palmer, Hunter & Hall
Jonathan Williams
President & CEO
- Bill Anderson
Business - Larry Armstrong
Architect - Paul Carter
Attorney - Olga Chavez
Marathon Petroleum - Simon Conway
Radio Host - Kip Cyprus
Special Advisor - Mike Dowling
Veterans Advocate - CAPT Roger C. Easton Jr.
USN (Ret.)
Special Advisor
Easton Advisors LLC & USS ARLEIGH BURKE Association - John Ek
Public Affairs - CAPT Bill Erickson
USN (Ret.)
- Kim Estes
Actor and Maritime Expert - Jack Giarraputo
Hollywood Producer - Amy Grat
Education Professional - RADM G. E. Gneckow
USN (Ret.)
Commanding Officer
USS IOWA (1983-1985) - Jane Johnson
Community Advocate - Nathan Jones
Kids, Hand, and Minds - Patrick Kohler
Databolic, Inc. - Josh LaFarga
Laborers Union
- Jeff Lamberti
Special Advisor
Attorney - Bobby MacDonald
Community Leader - Russ Matthews
Special Advisor
Documentary Producer - CAPT Richard McKenna
USN (Ret.)
Community Leader - FLTCM JoAnn Ortloff
USN (Ret.); SNA - James Parker
Finance - Lars Reierson
Investment - Derrick Roselli
Finance - Kamin Samuel
Transformation Coach
- Tom Sauer
Veterans Services - CDR Steve Shatynski
USN (Ret.)
Special Advisor
Investment - John Shultz
Business - Dr. Stacy Smith
USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative
Founder - Matt Sodl
Finance - Arlo Sorenson
CPA - Joe Walsh
Special Advisor
Attorney - Gary Williams
LA Fleet Week
Founding Board
- Jonathan Williams
President - Jeff Gorell
Vice President - David P. Bender, Jr.
Secretary - John McOsker
Treasurer - Doane Liu
Director - RADM Mike Shatynski
USN (ret.), Director - Stephanie Stone
President’s Advisory Board
Bruce D.D. Mac Rae
- Chairman of the PAB
- Bill Anderson
Business - Larry Armstrong
Architect - Paul Carter
Attorney - Olga Chavez
Marathon Petroleum - Simon Conway
Radio Host - Kip Cyprus
Special Advisor - Mike Dowling
Veterans Advocate - CAPT Roger C. Easton Jr.
USN (Ret.)
Special Advisor
Easton Advisors LLC & USS ARLEIGH BURKE Association - John Ek
Public Affairs - CAPT Bill Erickson
USN (Ret.) - Kim Estes
Actor and Maritime Expert - Jack Giarraputo
Hollywood Producer - Amy Grat
Education Professional - RADM G. E. Gneckow
USN (Ret.)
Commanding Officer
USS IOWA (1983-1985) - Jane Johnson
Community Advocate - Nathan Jones
Kids, Hand, and Minds - Sinan Kanatsiz
Special Advisor
IMA, KCOMM - Patrick Kohler
Databolic, Inc. - Josh LaFarga
Laborer’s Union - Jeff Lamberti
Special Advisor
Attorney - Bobby MacDonald
Community Leader - Russ Matthews
Special Advisor
Documentary Producer - CAPT Richard McKenna
USN (Ret.)
Community Leader - James Parker
Finance - Lars Reierson
Investment - Derrick Roselli
Finance - Kamin Samuel
Transformation Coach - Tom Sauer
Veterans Services - CDR Steve Shatynski
USN (Ret.)
Special Advisor
Investment - John Shultz
Business - Dr. Stacy Smith
USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative
Founder - Matt Sodl
Finance - Zachary Stangle
Retired Marine, Businessman, Veterans Advocate - Arlo Sorenson
CPA - Joe Walsh
Special Advisor
Attorney - Gary Williams
LA Fleet Week
Founding Board
- Jonathan Williams
President - Jeff Gorell
Vice President - David P. Bender, Jr.
Secretary - John McOsker
Treasurer - Doane Liu
Director - RADM Mike Shatynski
USN (ret.), Director - Stephanie Stone
Staff Leadership
Jonathan Williams
President & CEO
- Navy Distinguished Public Service Award
- Navy Community Ambassador
Mike Getscher
Chief Engineer
David Canfield
Liaison, Veterans Association
Ross O’Brien
- Treasurer & CFO
- Partner; Servatius, O’Brien, & Fong LLP
Kyle Aube
Director of Development
Nui Valletta
Staff Leadership
Jonathan Williams
President & CEO
- Navy Distinguished Public Service Award
- Navy Community Ambassador
Mike Getscher
Chief Engineer
David Canfield
Liaison, Veterans Association
Ross O’Brien
- Treasurer & CFO
- Partner; Servatius, O’Brien, & Fong LLP