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Hull Preservation 2021 Campaign Week 5

Hull Preservation 2021 Campaign Week 5

Down Low We mean that literally. Battleship IOWA COO and Chief Engineer Mike Getscher got down to the nitty gritty - up close with the wind and water line to show you exactly what's happening there, and why it's so critical that we arrest the corrosion NOW before it's...

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CEO Update April 19, 2021

CEO Update April 19, 2021

Family, Today is April 19th and a day that we remember the 47 sailors that lost their lives due to a tragic explosion aboard Battleship IOWA thirty-two years ago. This incident has forged multi-generational bonds amongst the families of the 47 and the thousands of...

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Hull Preservation 2021 Campaign Week 4

Hull Preservation 2021 Campaign Week 4

Commitment to our Community One of Battleship IOWA's three core pillars is Community. We are grateful to be part of our wonderful LA Harbor and SoCal community, and we do our best to contribute in as many ways as possible. You likely know about free events we host,...

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CEO Update April 14, 2021

CEO Update April 14, 2021

Family: The past couple of weeks have picked up pace in both in-person and virtual tours. We have opened our indoor museum over the weekends and our large retail store will be opened within the next couple of weeks. We expect the recovery to continue for much of 2021...

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Hull Preservation 2021 Campaign Week 3

Hull Preservation 2021 Campaign Week 3

Rust, Rust, and More Rust! It is the enemy of all things metal. Battleship IOWA is no exception to its threat. Fighting rust may be the biggest physical battle of the rest of her life. COO and Chief Engineer Mike Getscher discusses what's happening with rust down at...

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Hull Preservation 2021 Campaign Week 2

Hull Preservation 2021 Campaign Week 2

More Than A Hull We've said it before and we'll say it again: Battleship IOWA is an absolute marvel of engineering and a historical treasure. Those elements alone are worth preserving, but any sailor will tell you that what really makes a ship great is the crew that...

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CEO Update March 29, 2021

CEO Update March 29, 2021

Family: We begin this week with more optimism than we have had since the pandemic hit. Our attendance has picked up over the past seven days with our best Wednesday through Sunday since March of 2020. Although these numbers are encouraging, they are 40% below our...

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Hull Preservation 2021 Campaign Kick Off!

Hull Preservation 2021 Campaign Kick Off!

Battleship IOWA is one tough ship. She's been around nearly eighty years and is holding up well. Her hull is sound so far, but if we don't do everything possible to preserve it, it won't always be in such great shape. CEO Jonathan Williams has something to say about...

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CEO Update March 22, 2021

CEO Update March 22, 2021

Family: With the reopening continuing through the red tier, we were able to open the inside of the ship for tours for the first time in almost a year. The weekend was exciting for both crew and guests as a welcome relief from a year of challenges and uncertainties. As...

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