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CEO Weekly Update for 11/04/19

Good Morning Team:

We start off this week with a beautiful Monday!

I received a note from Mike G. highlighting the exciting progress of George Musulin and associated team members for being able to swap over our 1MC system over to a more efficient transformer.  This change alone will save us a chunk of money in our electrical bills!  Thank you George and Team!

David Canfield and I have a call scheduled at 11am on Monday morning to discuss our “Life at Sea” tour concept with video screens.  This is a long-term tour objective, but I think it will be an exciting added product to the Gun Tour and subsequent tours currently in planning.  As a side note, year over year increase for last week was approximately 1%.

Mike Getscher and the Education Team will start looking for an Education Manager to help build our programs into the future.  Outreach will be key and filling the needs of our students will be necessary.  A special thank you to everyone whom has participated in the “Sponsor a Child” program!

On Tuesday, we will be hosting the Navy Recruiting District Advisory Board meeting aboard ship.  This is an opportunity for us to support their efforts and strengthen our relationship in Los Angeles.

We are coming to the final run up in planning for Veterans Day aboard IOWA and Veterans Day LA.  This is the first year that we will have a dual presence in both Downtown LA and at the ship.  I look forward to seeing if this helps spread the word of both our community and veterans pillars.

Next Wednesday we will host our webcast program on YouTube at 1700.  Please mark your calendars to join us and stay tuned for the invite link from Sue and David.

A big shout out to all of you for your great work and efforts in 2019!  Our progress toward transitioning to the National Museum of the Surface Navy is moving rapidly and we look forward to having you involved.

In closing, I will be headed out for a little over 3 weeks after our webcast on November 13th.  This is the first time I have taken this amount of time off since prior to the ship being awarded.  It is primarily to reset my foundation to be prepared for our next major evolution!

I wish you my best in the coming week!  Be safe, have fun, and enjoy the time aboard IOWA!
