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CEO Update December 15, 2020

Dear IOWA and Surface Navy Family,

On Monday, our Board of Directors assembled for our December meeting and discussed numerous topics including the Covid-19 crisis. There is no doubt that the crisis is having a tremendous impact on each of us, whether it is our livelihood, our health, or both.


We feel incredibly blessed to have tremendous support from people like you and people throughout the world. Every time we send out a plea asking for help, you respond. Our volunteer crew continues to respond with eagerness to repeated calls for both time and money. Our staff continues to persevere through anxiety and fear, selflessly stepping up when needed to cut expenses or push a little harder. Members of our boards continue to remain focused on our long-term survivability and our future transition to the National Museum of the Surface Navy.


I couldn’t be prouder of this family. This is a family of proud patriots, standing ready to support their ship and museum at a moment’s notice. This family won’t be beaten by the Covid-19 pandemic and will not be discouraged from emerging successfully from it. We will stay strong together and be proud of our incredible accomplishments in doing so!


We are very close to accomplishing our $68,000 goal to help us through the most recent closure. It is my hope, for each of us, that we are now on the downhill slope of this pandemic. If this is the case, my speculation is that we will return to about 65% of our normal traffic by April 2021 and will be able to reopen overnights around the same time. We are planning for this reopening with streamlined operations, program efficiencies, and a stronger organization. Our plan for 2021 is almost finished. Stay tuned, as we will begin discussing it in the weeks ahead.


While today may look dim due to the shutdowns and flare ups, I have no doubt that the future is bright. To our wonderful board(s) and crew, my deepest apologies that we are unable to host a holiday gathering in 2020. We had a great gathering in 2019, thanks to a wonderful family that graciously hosted us. Unfortunately 2020 is simply not the year to be gathering over the holidays. My commitment to you is that we will get together, when the time is right, to celebrate our friendship, perseverance, and accomplishments.


In closing, I offer my sincere respect and gratitude for all that you are doing for the IOWA and future National Museum of the Surface Navy.


My blessings for an amazing holiday season.

Jonathan Williams
President and CEO

P.S. Before I go, an invitation to join me this Friday from 2-3 PM PST for a leadership talk with our Chairman of the Board, Rear Admiral Mike Shatynski, USN (ret.) and radio personality Simon Conway.  We’ll share a year-end supporter update and some exciting plans for 2021. It’s free, but RSVP is required. Click HERE to reserve your spot now!




Our prospects may be looking a little better this week, but we’re not out of the woods yet. We still need your help. GoFundMe campaigns are designed to succeed by being passed on. You’re receiving this email because you believe in the ship and her mission.

The button below will take you to our Operation American Spirit campaign. Share it and the reasons you believe in this cause with your family and friends. Inspire them not only to support the cause, but to spread the word themselves.